Fire and Safety Regulations

Category Advice


Certain insurance companies are recommending that buildings display fire safety pocedures. Wakefield Property Management (Pty) Limited suggests that each building has a fire evacuation plan which should be strategically displayed on a notice board, foyer, inside a lift or in some other prominent position. This will allow residents to study and familiarize themselves with the procedures.

We have prepared a template in "word" format which can be modified to suit each building and can be fairly easily completed. Trustees or supervisors who wish to make use of the template are asked to contact their Portfolio Manager.

A further insurance request is that all properties display an indemnity sign. We can provide an indemnity sign that can be affixed to a wall with  double sided tape. Kindly inform your Portfolio Manager or Building Inspector if you would like a complimentary sign to be delivered to your building.

We also wish to remind bodies corporate that fire equipment must be serviced annually and all fire equipment must display the contractor's sticker confirming when the equipment was serviced and when the service is next due. In addition to this, these extinguishers must be easily accessible, mounted on a wall and have the appropriate signage. Dry chemical powder fire extinguishers have to be pressure tested every 5 years and Co2 extinguishers have to be hydro-statically tested every 10 years. Pressure testing is necessary to ensure that the extinguisher is safe to use and does not explode when used.  Where extinguishers show signs of rust or have been dented, they need to be pressure tested annually at the time of service. This is in accordance to SABS 1475 standards / rules and the label indicating the date of the pressure test must be affixed to the extinguisher.

Author: Wakefields Property Management

Submitted 12 May 14 / Views 5258