Does a sectional title unit owner have the same rights as an ordinary house owner?

Category Newsletter: Article 2

Does a sectional title unit owner have the same rights as an ordinary house owner?

No. Sectional title ownership involves communal living and as a result, the living environment in a sectional title scheme needs to be regulated. There are various provisions in the law for this as well as scheme rules.

Other differences include:
•    You have to pay a share of the schemes expenses. This is most commonly known as a levy and is generally a monthly payment. Failure to make these payments may result in legal debt collection proceedings and costs!
•    When using your section and the common property you have to take into account the right of other owners and residents. This means that you need to be reasonable in your use and you must not interfere with the rights of others to use and enjoy their property.
•    As the unit owner, you are responsible to repair and maintain your section and exclusive use area (if applicable) and to keep it tidy. The body corporate is responsible for the up keep of the common property and the functions of the body corporate are performed by trustees

Author: Wakefields Property Management

Submitted 15 Sep 14 / Views 5990